Copy Right Notice


All and any works which I provide either physically, electronically or by any other means is protected by copyright as provided by the Australian Copyright Act 1968.

© Benjamin Andrews, 2012. Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this, or any publication made available on this site, physically, electronically or by any other means, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the publisher. 

The publications made available on this site are works either of a fictional nature, or my own experiences, thoughts and opinions. These publications are made available for people to read, in their current form, with the understanding that they may be removed from the site without warning, and that there is no promise or requirement for them to be updated, replaced with final products. Users must also be aware, in the event that these works are published, that having previous access to this site, and those associated works does in no way entitle you to the final publication unless purchased through normal channels, with no promise of discount, or any other benefit. 

The author of these works, Benjamin Andrews, also known by the pen name Malen Steptoe, retains all rights, privileges, titles and/or entitlements associated to these works, and provides no guarantee, warranty, and/or any type of assurances of any nature, express or otherwise, regarding these works, or works yet published, updated, uploaded or provided etc. 

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